Professional dog training effectively calms reactive dogs. First, you need to understand what provokes the dog’s reaction. Is it frustration or fear? Is it the dog’s nature or some elements that provoke it to become aggressive? Assessing these factors is essential before the dog is trained to become calm. 

If you’re handling a reactive dog, contact professionals for dog training in Rossendale. They will help you get your dog in sync with their social life and behaviour. They will assess the probable reasons and evaluate the behaviour before scheduling the training session. 

Ways to Calm Your Reactive Dog With Professional Training

Setting Up a Routine 

Reactive dogs should be kept under a routine. Many dog owners need to be made aware and certain about the same. However, professional trainers prefer setting up a fixed routine for reactive dogs. When they are kept under activities which keep them busy and reduce their anxiety levels, a simple yet effective routine will make them feel calm and focused. 

Using Effective Equipments 

Professional trainers prefer using equipment like walking harnesses and pet-safe neck straps while walking or directing the reactive dog towards a particular activity. This keeps a strong hold over the dog, and the trainer can keep it calm and composed. Again, a crate is a great tool for reducing reactivity. 

Ensure Counter Conditioning 

In this process, the trainer will introduce a reinforcer, a toy or food item, against the trigger that leads to anxious behaviour in a dog. The dog feels the urge to change the behaviour as soon as the reinforcer is introduced. This counterconditioning works effectively; at some point, the dog will no longer feel the need for reinforcement if the trigger occurs. 

Making Changes in Surroundings 

Along with behavioural changes, the trainers suggest pet owners make a few changes in the house. For instance, a bark from outside the house might trigger aggressive behaviour in a dog residing inside the house. Hence, homeowners must ensure privacy around the premises to stop these triggers. This will keep the reactive dogs calm and composed.

Understanding Body Language 

Understanding your dog’s body language will help you communicate and calm it down. You must understand the signs when your dog feels threatened, scared, or uncomfortable. 

If you have a reactive dog, contact K9 Boot Camp for professional dog trainers. We have the potential to handle all types of dogs. For proper dog training services, get in touch with us.