Bringing home a new puppy is always an exciting affair. Ultimately, you are getting a new companion who will remain close to you, no matter the situation. However, being an animal, they may not fit with the usual norms of the world.

Take Care of Your Pup from an Early Age:

In the early stages of growth, your pup may be innocent, with little socialisation skills. They may not have proper knowledge about proper behaviour. It is important to note that every pup is unique, and regular training sessions can contribute a lot to their growing phase.

Essential Points for Properly Training Your Dog:

As the first lessons of dog training in Oldham, you can teach your pet specific skills. We highlight them in the following part of this blog.

  • Socialisation:

    This is a vital skill to teach your dog if you plan regular outings with your canine friend. The most critical socialisation window is around 16 weeks of their age. You need not engage in multiple types of interactions. It’s the quality of the conversation that matters the most. As the initial learning process, you can introduce them to your family members and friends. It is also helpful to make them familiar with different surfaces as well.

  • Potty Training or Crate Training:

    Both are critical parts of initial dog training sessions. This helps your dog understand the appropriate place to go to the toilet. The basics of this training can be broken down into various parts. However, some simple steps include not free-feeding your dog or giving access to all the corners of your house.

  • Bonding:

    After bringing your pup home, you may find an immediate urge to give them formal training. However, before starting the process, seeing if they bond with you is essential. From an early age, the dog should know that you can provide them with proper care. They should identify you as a reliable source.

 These are a few vital things to remember while training your dog and preparing them for the world. To get proper assistance, you must contact a reliable dog training source in Oldham. Get in touch with K9 Boot Camp, one of the most well-known sources for dog training. Here, you can find professional trainers with excellent dog treatment knowledge. To learn more, you can visit their website today.