Dogs are social animals, however, a puppy doesn’t develop socialisation skills from birth. The right environment, people, and proximity to other animals make a dog a social animal. There are a few breeds of dogs that are emotionally sensitive and possessive. They might, at times, exhibit fearful and aggressive behaviour instead of socialising.
That’s when you need a professional dog trainer to nurture the dog and help them develop proper socialisation behaviour. For dog training in Rossendale, you’ll come across professional trainers who will check the behavioural pattern of the dog and set up a training module accordingly.
Tips on Dog Socialisation From Professional Trainers
Tip 1: Start Training Them Early
According to professional dog trainers, the earlier you start training, the better. If you start training a puppy from a young age, it will develop socialisation skills faster. Training an adult dog becomes difficult because it will develop a behavioural pattern beforehand that can be hard to reverse.
Tip 2: Opt for Cautious Introductions
Ensure you introduce your dogs cautiously to a new group. If there are people in your group who are scared of dogs, avoid introducing your dog to them. Uninterested behaviour from humans can be an instant turnoff for the dogs. Let them mix with dog-loving people. They will gradually develop mingling skills.
Tip 3: Create Positive First-Time Experiences
If the dog is fearful at any point during socialisation, it will develop a fear of it altogether. Dog trainers advise that you should create a positive experience for the dog. Don’t force them to socialise, but instead give them space to adapt to new places, situations and experiences.
Tip 4: Set a Safe Space
Dogs need personal space and comfort zones to behave comfortably. As a dog owner, you should set boundaries for your dogs. Do not let everyone meet and touch your dog, as it will keep the dog from socialising. Ensure everyone greets the dog from a distance until the dog makes the first step towards socialising.
Tip 5: Reward Good Behaviour
Rewarding dogs for their good behaviour will encourage them to develop their socialisation skills. Dog trainers also use rewarding strategies to reinstate positive results.
For specialised dog training in Rossendale, contact K9 Boot Camp. We have a team of professional trainers who do not believe in classroom training. Instead we take them on social behaviour walks and learn about the dog’s behaviour to incorporate the changes.