I contacted Andi after another trainer pretty much said Bo was untrainable and didn’t seem interested.
Bo is a 16 month old rescue German Shepherd.At home and being alone with him he is a good calm boy however walking was a different story. He would lunge pull bark growl even howl when he seen other dogs. I contacted Andi discussed the situation and booked a course of 6 lessons.
The first lesson certainly he was his usual self seeing other dogs Andi taught me some techniques and gave me homework ect. As the lessons went on he was a pleasure to walk with infact sometimes you wouldn’t know he was with while you walked. Obviously there’s still work to be done and occasionally he still has his moments but it has become so much easier to walk him . Can’t thank Andi enough for her instruction and she is always available to answer questions you may have. Would highly recommend Andi for training and we will certainly continue on group walks and so on.